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On Decembers 8, 1935, a group of approximately twenty people met in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hankins, 13 Rosedale Boulevard. They met because the Lord burdened their hearts to maintain sound, fundamental, Bible believing teaching, which they were not receiving the denominational Baptist Church. Therefore, on March 11, 1936, a group of eighteen individual adopted the Constitution and By-Laws for organization submitted to them by a committee consisting of Mr. S. A. Wilkinson, Mr. H. C. Barre and Mrs. G. A. Hankins. The name “Bible Truth Temple” was chosen but on March 31, 1937 the name changed to the present name, “Calvary Baptist Church.”
From a home on Rosedale Boulevard to the I. O. O. F. Hall on the third floor of the Case Block building to a large brick home at 30 Woodlawn Avenue, a church was formed. It’s first pastor, Rev. Homer K. Clouser was called on March 1, 1937.
On October 11, 1939, the old German Lutheran property was purchased, renovated and subsequently dedicated on January 21, 1940.
In October 1948, the church became affiliated with the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches and later, May, 1949, affiliated with the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches.
The present building, located at 250 Benedict Avenue was dedicated to the service of the Lord Jesus Christ on Sunday, November 17, 1963. Since its construction the church has add two additional wings: south wing in 1972 and west wing in 2002.
Rev. Homer K. Clouse: 1937
Rev. Price A. Allen: 1938-1942
Rev Raymond Poludniak 1943-1945
Rev E. F. Davidson: 1946-1947
Guest ministers: 1947-1949
Donald Beightol: 1949-1958
John Millheim: 1959-1963
David Lunny: 1964-1973
Norman McVeigh: 1974-1978
James McClain: 1979-2021
Andrew B. Johnston: 2022 to present
It is of note, that three of the children of the founding members grew up and went into missions: John Barre to Navajo Indians in New Mexico, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wilkinson to Korea with Far East Broadcast, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Long (Betty Hankins) to Australia in church planting.
At dedication of current land in 1963
Construction in 1963
Norman McVey, L.W. Beckley, Donald Beightol, David Lunney
Pastor Mundy and James McClain